Tuesday 15 January 2013

TSCT Rd4(Carlsen v Harikrishna)

Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2013 Round 4 Carlsen vs. Harikrishna

1. e4 e5 
2. Nf3 Nc6 
3. c3 Nf6 
4. d4 d5 
5. Bb5 exd4
 6. e5 Ne4
7. Nxd4 Bd7 
8. Bxc6 bxc6 
9. O-O Be7 
10. Be3 O-O 
11. Nd2Nc5 
12. b4 Nb7
13. f4 a5 
14. f5 axb4 
15. cxb4 Bxb4 
16. Qg4 Bc3
17. Rac1 Bxd4
18. Bxd4 Rxa2 
19. e6 f6
 20. Nb3 Be8 
21. Nc5Nd6 
22. Qf3 Qe7
23. Rf2 Ra5 
24. Nb3 Rb5 
25. Bc5 Bh5
26. Qc3 Qe8 
27. Qe3 Qa8
28. Nd4 Rxc5 
29. Rxc5 Ne4
30. Nxc6 Nxf2 
31. Kxf2 Qa2 
32. Kg3 Re8 
33. h3 Qa6 
34. Qc3Be2 
35. Rxd5 Bb5 
36. Nb4 Qb7 
37. Qc5 Ba4
38. Rd7 Qe4
39. Rxc7 h5 
40. Kh2 Kh7 
41. Qf2 Rg8 
42. Na6 Be8
43. Rc5Qd3 
44. Nb4 Qd6 
45. Kh1 Qd1 
46. Qg1 Qd6 
47. Nd5Rf8
48. Qd4 Kh8 
49. Rc8 Bc6

Such a phenomenal game! Carlsen played very dominantly against India's Harikrishna.
Carlsen played some inaccuracies but he is just human right? But nevertheless, he shows why he is the 
world number 1. Brilliant game, a true show of attacking chess, with great finesse. This game
is truly worth a look.

Monday 14 January 2013



              Finals, the last period of a term, finally, I've almost made it, I've survived the course IT108. Some may look at it as "surviving" and just trying to get through the term without much trouble and I admit, I used to think the same way. But what's the point of "surviving" if pay attention and learn something?

              I learned about the differences of Copyright, Trademark, and Patent. Which, for a long time now I always get the three confused. To enlighten you Copyright is legal protection extended to the owner of the rights in an original work.
“Original work” refers to every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain.
While Trademark is an exclusive right granted for a product, process or an improvement of a product or process which is new, inventive and useful.

              I learned what I could copyright, what I could trademark and what I could patent. These are three different things with different purposes but at the same time paradoxically similar. As Finals end and I continue my journey of becoming an I.T. professional I will bear in mind all the things I've learned and hopefully in the future be able to pass it to others as my instructors have.



              Midterm, the middle of a term, I guess that's why it's called midterm hehe. Where students get used to their subjects and at the same time anticipate the end of the term considering this period of the term is jam-packed with things homework, projects, and presentations, which is why I think some people consider it harder than Finals itself. But here's my take on the lessons I learned during the Midterm.                                              
                  In Midterm, I learned about the different kinds of Computer Viruses. Before the lesson I was quite ignorant of the kinds of computer viruses, only familiar with Trojan and Worm. But through the lesson I learned more about it, the many different kinds of viruses and what they do to a computer system.

              During the Midterm period I also learned about the kinds of Computer Crime which is the use of computers as an instrument to do crime or something against the law. There are many different kinds and I was acquainted with the different types ranging from criminal acts to simple seemingly harmless posts and actions on social networking sites.



                    Prelim, where new students meet other students and are aquainted with the course they are taking. Some scared and some excited for what is in store for them. I, on the other hand am excited for what I would learn for the days to come and here's what I learned.
                In Prelim I learned about Computer Ethics which is "the analysis of the human nature and the social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such technology."

           I learned about how one should act when he/she becomes as an I.T. professional. It basically all comes down to ethics/morals. It doesn't matter if I am the best programmer in the world if in the first place I do not have good moral values, it really comes down to how one's attitude is in work and in communicating with fellow co-workers. Then you may ask, how should we act if, as they say, morals is relative and may mean different things to different people? Well, I learned about ethical theories as well.
                         Basically there are two main Ethical theories which are:
KANTIANISM and CONSEQUENTIALISM. Kantianism is simply the theory on how we behave ethically comes from within us and the things that we decide are good or bad are based on whether we could imagine everyone doing them. While Consequentialism is the theory deals with consequences of actions rather than the actions themselves. Both have different ideas and again, these are only theories and does not mean we have to think the same way. It just gives us a better understanding on the "science" of morals.

               And lastly, I learned that "hacking" is not wrong. The term that people usually think of harmful tampering of files/data is cracking. I learned about the different types of hackers and the main goals of those who hack for good and those who do it for own selfish gain. So hacking is not necessarily wrong it just depends on the type of hacking that someone assumes.

Summary of Presentation: Amanda Todd, a story of life struggle, self-harm and suicide.

      Amanda Todd, a story of life struggle, self-harm and suicide.

                      Our presentation is about a girl who was a victim of both cyber bullying and blackmailing that resulted to her suicide last October 10, 2012 in her home in Port Coquitlam, British Colombia, Canada. Her suicide was the end result of people who keeps on bullying and blackmailing her of the things she had done in the past that she wanted to erase or forget. Before she attempted the suicide, she made a short video of her life story and she foretold the events that cause her to commit the crime prior to her experiences in life.
Cyber bullying is the use of the Internet and related technologies to harm other people, in deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. While Blackmailing is a crime involving unjustified threats to make a gain or cause loss to another unless a demand is met.
For this presentation, blackmailing was depicted through the old guy who wanted Amanda to do a show for him but then she refused and was threatened that he would show or publish the photo of her private part on the Internet, but when she refused to do so, the police department was alarmed and informed Ms. Amanda of the said event and she was greatly depressed about it that caused her depression and anxiety. And for the Cyber bullying it was depicted through her schoolmates, friends and people who know her that they have posted things and harsh words that greatly affected Amanda, her pride, dignity and reputation but also her family as well.
Cyber bullying and blackmailing are a lethal combination in destroying ones reputation and dignity it does not only affect ones self but also the families of the person itself. It may also cause a lot of damage, like anxiety, depression, panic disorder and other effects that is very harmful. As a result, one may commit harm to himself/herself because of it. That is why, Cyber bullying and blackmailing should be dealt with seriously.

Do's and Don'ts in the Cyber Environment

Do's and Don'ts in the Cyber Environment
(I do not own this photo, it was taken from http://www.solobizcoach.com/the-dos-and-don%E2%80%99ts-of-starting-a-business-online-when-you-are-broke/ credit for the photo and all rights reserved for the owner of the photo.)

 Do follow the rules that your parents/guardians have set regarding the time you are 
allowed to use the internet, the purpose of your use of the internet, the sites 
you are allowed to visit, and the limitations they have set. 

Why? Because parents know best and they have the authority over us since we live under their roof. Being a youth, we are prone to distractions and temptations that the cyberworld offers us and it can lead to things we should not get involved into so we should just listen to our parents/guardians regarding this matter.

 If you are using instant messaging or entering chat rooms, do stay on public, 
monitored and child-friendly rooms. 

Why? Because there are a bunch of criminal sex offenders on the internet trying to lure attention-hungry teenagers into having a private chat with them and getting them to do something they would soon regret.(like the case of Amanda Todd in 2012).

 Do tell your parents immediately if you have encountered any problem while 
using the internet or if you have engaged in an uncomfortable situation. 

Why? Because usually your parents will know what to do and be able to help you with your problem whenever you are faced in such a situation that you are uncomfortable in.

 Do use an alias or nickname every time you enter chat rooms and forums. 

Why? It is important to keep your identity hidden from people you meet on the internet. As it protects you from identity theft.

 Do avoid posting your personal profile on the web. This may be used by online 
predators against you. 

Why? Because the personal information you post may be used against you in the future(e.g. blackmailing). And again may be the cause of identity theft.

 Do close the web browser immediately if you see any images of violence, nudity, 
pornography, sex, and other contents that aren’t right for your age. Do tell your 
parents about this immediately. 

Why? Because in most countries it is illegal to view such materials under the age of 18 (21 in some countries) as it is inappropriate for a fragile mind of a person under those ages. Tell your parents/guardians so they may be able to help in securing you from malicious websites for our own safety and to prevent it from "corrupting" a youth's mind.

 Don’t post statuses on social networking sites that try and indirectly harm or gossip about someone, just approach them and talk if you have a problem with their behavior instead of hiding behind a social networking site.

Why? To avoid misunderstanding and to avoid further problems. To be able to solve the issue right away.

 If you are using instant messaging or entering chat rooms, DON’T allow others to 
harass you or put you in an uncomfortable situation. 

Why? Because they don't have power over you, they are human just like us and have no right to harass others.

 Don’t reply to or start a conversation with people you don’t know. Don’t accept 
gift offerings from them. 

Why? As they may be cyber criminals and using you/manipulate you to do something you do not want to do.

 Don’t fill out any survey, membership, or application forms asking for your 
personal information from an unsecured site. 

Why? Because it may be a fraud and you end up losing money or they may even steal your identity to use for their own personal gain.

 Don’t disable any security settings your parents have set such as antivirus, 
firewall, filtering, and site monitoring programs. 

Why? To prevent viruses and malicious software from entering your computer and to protect you from cyber criminals online.

 Don’t open, reply or download attachments from spam or from unknown 
senders. These may contain viruses or other threats that can harm your 

Why? Because these may contain viruses or other threats that can harm your 

 Don’t download any files that are given to you by people you've met online. 
Don’t download any files from your e-mail unless they are solicited. 

Why? Even though you know them it is always good to check if the file is safe as not to harm your computer.

 Don't use free and downloadable peer-to-peer file sharing programs (e.g. 
Kazza and Grokster) These are spyware. 

Why? Because it is highly likely that a virus may enter your computer.

 And most of all…..Do practice honesty and DON’T hide anything from your 

Why? Because it is always good to inform your parents with what you are doing so they can monitor you and protect you from any harm.

reference: http://learn.tkschools.org/is/Resources/Do's%20and%20Don'ts.pdf