Monday 14 January 2013



              Finals, the last period of a term, finally, I've almost made it, I've survived the course IT108. Some may look at it as "surviving" and just trying to get through the term without much trouble and I admit, I used to think the same way. But what's the point of "surviving" if pay attention and learn something?

              I learned about the differences of Copyright, Trademark, and Patent. Which, for a long time now I always get the three confused. To enlighten you Copyright is legal protection extended to the owner of the rights in an original work.
“Original work” refers to every production in the literary, scientific and artistic domain.
While Trademark is an exclusive right granted for a product, process or an improvement of a product or process which is new, inventive and useful.

              I learned what I could copyright, what I could trademark and what I could patent. These are three different things with different purposes but at the same time paradoxically similar. As Finals end and I continue my journey of becoming an I.T. professional I will bear in mind all the things I've learned and hopefully in the future be able to pass it to others as my instructors have.


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